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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Candida tidbits

What Can I Eat?

You should eat a minimum of three to five servings of vegetables a day.

Virtuous Vegetables
Even though it’s best to eat vegetables raw, you can lightly steam or stir-fry them as well. You can
also make many varieties of delicious vegetable soup.

If you have candida, just avoid these veggies:
potatoes, mushrooms and sweet potatoes. Potatoes and sweet potatoes have a high glycemic index, which feeds yeast. Mushrooms are a yeast food.

Eat at least three to five servings of the following vegetables a day (a serving equals either 1 cup cooked or 2 cups raw):

• Artichokes
• Asparagus
• Avocados
• Beans
• Green beans
• Beet greens
• Broccoli
• Brussels sprouts
• Cabbage
• Carrots
• Cauliflower • Celery
• Chard • Eggplant
• Cucumbers • Greens (kale,
• Garlic chard, mustard,
• Lettuce collard, spinach
(all types) turnip)
• Onions • Parsley
• Parsnips • Peppers
• Green bell peppers • Hot chili peppers
• Radishes • Snow peas
• Soybeans • Spinach
• Sprouts • Alfalfa sprouts
• Squash (yellow, • Tomatoes
summer) • Turnips
• Water chestnuts • Zucchini

Beans or legumes are high in protein and have about the same amount of calories as grains. Black beans, black-eyed peas, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, lentils, Lima beans, pinto beans, red beans, soybeans and split peas.

Meats, poultry and fish do not feed candida. However, some animals are fed antibiotics, which remain in meat and can cause yeast to proliferate. That’s why it is important for you to choose meat and poultry that are free of antibiotics, such as free-range beef and chicken.

Try to eat fish at least three times a week. Choose fatty fish such as salmon, herring, mackerel, halibut or sardines since they have a high content of Omega-3 fatty acids. You may also have lamb or veal.

Finally, you may eat two to three servings of eggs each week, unless you are allergic to them. Just be sure to cook them well.

Fabulous Fats
Extra-virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, organic butter and cold-pressed vegetable oil such as safflower oil.

Really good salad dressing
2 Tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lemon juice
(or apple cider vinegar if you have no symptoms with it)
1 Tbsp. purified water
1 tsp. tarragon
1 tsp. garlic salt
1 tsp. parsley flakes
Dash of pepper
Dash of salt
2–3 drops Stevia (sweeten to taste)
Shake in cruet or jar. Pour over salad.


Day 1
• Egg omelet with sliced onion, tomatoes and peppers
• 1 slice millet, spelt or yeast-free rye toast or rice toast
• 1 pat organic butter

Day 2
• Old-fashioned oatmeal with cinnamon and almonds (cooked in water instead of milk)
• Sweeten with Stevia or Splenda
• 1 pat organic butter

Day 3
• Toasted rice or millet bread
• Top with almond butter spread

Day 4
• 2 scrambled eggs
• Toasted millet bread
• Brown rice
• 1 pat organic butter

Day 5
• Sunflower and sesame seeds mixed with hot oat bran cereal

Day 6

• Oat, rice, spelt or amaranth pancakes
• Raspberries, blackberries, strawberries or blueberries
• Sprinkle with Stevia or Splenda (This one must be eaten three weeks after the beginning of the candida program since fruits are introduced at this time.)

Day 7
• Organic plain low-fat yogurt or kefir with 1 tsp. acidophilus powder
• Fresh berries
• Sweeten with Stevia or Splenda (Again, this should be added three weeks after the beginning of the program. Also, realize that some people may not tolerate fruit with pancakes, so they may need to eat it thirty minutes before eating the pancakes or the yogurt.)

Lunches or Dinners

Day 1
• Baked, broiled or grilled chicken
• Brown rice
• Lima beans

Day 2
• Broiled, baked or grilled fish
• Green beans
• Broccoli

Day 3
• Turkey
• Lima beans
• Asparagus
• 1 slice millet bread
• 1 pat organic butter

Day 4
• 4 oz. free-range, lean filet mignon
• Brown rice
• Asparagus

Day 5
• Tuna fish sandwich
• Millet bread
• Lettuce, tomato and onions

Day 6
• Cornish hen
• Black-eyed peas
• Cooked carrots

Day 7
• Grilled salmon
• Green peas
• Broccoli

Feel free to add a salad to any one of these dinners. In addition, add all the vegetables you want. Just avoid croutons, cheese and most dressings. Also, you may eat vegetable soup with any vegetables that are listed.

So, How Long?
If you have candida, expect to go on this program for one to six months, depending upon the severity of your symptoms. If your symptoms are severe, maintain the program for six months.

Examples of soluble fiber are listed as follows:
• Psyllium seed
• Fruit pectin
• Oat bran
• Rice bran

Soluble fiber actually feeds the good bacteria that live in the intestines. It ferments to produce short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids nourish the cells in the large intestines, thus stimulating healing.
You need to get adequate amounts of soluble fiber, but not too much.

Too much soluble fiber causes an overgrowth of intestinal bacteria, which in turn can create more problems for you by increasing bacterial toxins.

• Drink a beverage about thirty minutes before eating.
• Take special care to chew meats and other protein foods extra thoroughly so that they can be digested properly in the stomach.

Believe it or not, if you have candida overgrowth and poor digestion, your body may be using most of your energy to digest your food. That’s why you often feel exhausted.

What to Eat With What
• Meats and proteins should not be eaten together with high-starch foods.
• Meats and proteins can be eaten with low starch vegetables such as green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus and salads.
• Low-starch vegetables can also be eaten together with starchy vegetables such as potatoes and whole grains.
• Fruits should be eaten approximately thirty minutes before a meal and should be eaten alone.

Check the foods you will stop eating until your body’s balance is restored

❑ No sugar of any kind—white sugar, brown sugar, honey, molasses, barley, malt, rice syrup, etc.
❑ No artificial sweeteners—Sweet ’N Low, NutraSweet, Equal, etc. (Stevia is allowed.)
❑ No fruit juice of any kind for the first three months, then gradually added back if tolerated.
❑ No fruit of any kind for the first three weeks, then gradually added back into diet starting with low-glycemic fruits such as apples, kiwi, berries, grapefruit, lemons and limes.
❑ No dairy food of any kind—milk, cheese, cottage cheese, ice cream, sour cream, etc. (A small amount of organic butter, and yogurt and kefir with no lactose, sugar or fruit are acceptable.)
❑ No gluten grains of any kind found in wheat, rye, white or pumpernickel breads, or found in pastry, crackers, etc. (Rice bread found in the frozen section of the health food store is a good replacement. Millet bread is also acceptable.)

Oats contain less gluten, however, and may not be tolerated by those with severe candida.

❑ No foods containing yeast
❑ No breads or other bakery products containing yeast
❑ No alcoholic beverages of any kind
❑ No commercially prepared foods contain­ing yeast
❑ No dry roasted nuts (Nuts in the shell—other than peanuts or cashews—are accept­able. The shell protects them from molding.)
❑ No vinegar and vinegar-containing foods with the possible exception of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar in those with mild candida.
❑ No soy sauce, tamari or natural root beer.
❑ No vitamin and mineral supplements containing yeast
❑ No pickled foods or smoked, dried or cured meats, including bacon
❑ No deep-fried foods of any kind
❑ No mushrooms

A number of natural herbs and supplements are powerfully effective against candida.

One of the most important supplements for controlling yeast overgrowth is garlic. Allicin, the active ingredient in garlic, has powerful antifungal activity.
Take 500 milligrams of garlic three times a day.

Goldenseal is included in the same family with Oregon grape and barberry. They are all in the berberines family. These potent natural substances contain extremely effective antifungal agents. These special agents actually activate macro­phages, which are a type of white blood cell. Berberines help to clear out bacterial overgrowth in the small intestines, which commonly accompanies yeast overgrowth. Berberines also halt the bacterial and yeast enzymes that aggravate leaky gut. Many patients with chronic candidiasis have diarrhea. Berberines are also able to control diarrhea in many cases.
Take 500 milligrams of goldenseal three times a day for at least a month.

Grapefruit seed extract
Grapefruit seed extract, otherwise known as citrus extract, is a great supplement. It effectively kills both the candida and the parasite giardia, which may be associated with candida in some cases. However, it usually takes several months to eliminate the parasites.
Take 100–200 milligrams of grapefruit seed extract three times a day.

Caprylic acid
Caprylic acid is a long-chain fatty acid found in coconuts. It’s extremely toxic to yeast, yet safe for humans. To be effective it must be taken in a time released capsule.
Take 1000 milligrams of a time-released preparation with each meal.

Oil of oregano
Oil of oregano is a very good antifungal agent. It’s more than one hundred times more potent than caprylic acid. I recommend ore­gano oil tablets from the nutritional company Biotics.
Take three 50-milligram tablets of oregano three times a day.

Tanalbit is a plant extract that destroys yeast, including the spores, without harming good bacteria.
It also contains natural tannins, which have intestinal antiseptic properties.
Take three capsules three times a day with each meal.

Chlorophyll supplements (green food)
Chlorophyll supplements, otherwise known as green food supplements, detoxify the colon and pack a powerful punch against candida. They boost the immune system as well. Chlorophyll keeps yeast and bacteria from spreading, and it even encourages the growth of friendly bacteria. High-chlorophyll foods include wheat grass, barley grass, alfalfa, chlorella, spiralina and blue/green algae. All of these are obtained in Divine Health Green Superfood. (This is a supplement that I produce. It can be purchased by contacting my office or through the Internet at
I recommend one scoop one to two times a day mixed with the fiber supplement. I find it best to take this upon awakening.

Do not take Green Superfood in the evening since it is very stimulating and may cause insomnia. However, all the ingredients are natural and contain no stimulants such as caffeine or ephedra.

I personally start my morning as soon as I awaken with two scoops of Ultrafiber, one scoop of Green Superfood, one-half fresh, squeezed lemon or lime and 8 ounces of water. I place this in a shaker cup, shake it for about twenty seconds and then drink. Stevia can be added to sweeten it. High-chloropyll foods not only boost the immune system, but they also help to improve both digestion and elimination.

Candida Medications

Nystatin is an antifungal antibiotic that is able to kill a wide variety of different types of yeast. Most folks can take it without side effects. Nystatin tends to stay in the GI tract and do its work instead of being absorbed into other parts of the body. Nystatin is even safe for infants to use. But because Nystatin is poorly absorbed, it may not be as effective for candida that has attacked the entire body. Ask your doctor about prescribing this medication for you.

A Candida-Busting Cocktail
For a very mild case of candida, I simply recommend 1000 milligrams of caprylic acid three times a day with meals and 500 milligrams of garlic three times a day. Here’s what I prescribe to those experiencing a mild to moderate case of candida:

• Nystatin, 1,000,000 units three times a day
• Caprylic acid, 1000 mg. three times a day
• Garlic, 500 mg. three times a day If the yeast problem does not go away, I may add any of the following:
• Grapefruit seed extract, 200 mg. three times a day
• Oil of oregano, three 50-mg. tablets three times a day
• Tanalbit, three capsules three times a day
• Goldenseal, 500 mg. three times a day.

If the infection is very severe I will often use the medication Diflucan.
Diflucan is so powerful that a single 150-milligram tablet can treat a vaginal candida infection. If your candida overgrowth is severe, you may need to take Diflucan anywhere from a few weeks up to as long as a month.

If you are experiencing gas, head­aches, fatigue, muscle aches, joint aches, sinus con­gestion, sore throat, rashes, diz­zi­ness and even depression. These symptoms seldom last longer than a few days or up to a week after starting yeast herbs or medications. The answer to this sloughing off of dead yeast is detoxing. As your body goes through this process, detoxing will help your body cleanse itself from this increase of toxins.

Liver Detoxification

Eggs, garlic, onions, cruciferous veggies (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), fish, poultry and meats are good sources of sulfur.

• Eat at least one serving a week of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage to help to improve liver detoxification.

Milk thistle
Silymarin—the active ingredient in milk thistle prevents the depletion of glutathione.
I recommend 100–200 milligrams of silymarin three times a day.

Glutathione is the most important antioxidant that enables the liver to detoxify.
I recommend 100–200 milligrams of silymarin (milk thistle) three times a day and 500 milligrams of NAC once a day.

Lipoic acid
Lipoic acid is also important in increasing nthe levels of glutathione.
I recommend 100–200 milligrams of lipoic acid three times a day for severe candidiasis, and 50–100 milligrams three times a day for moderate candida.

If you have severe candidiasis, you will need the multivitamin and antioxidants in addition to supplements of milk thistle, NAC, taurine and extra lipoic acid.

Restoring Friendly Bacteria

• Lactobacillus acidophilus
• Bifido bacteria
You should take at least three to five billion organisms of acidophi­lus and bifidus bacteria on a daily basis in order to recolonize the GI tract.

I recommend the following supplements:
• L-glutamine, 1 ⁄2–1 tsp. three times a day
• N-acetyl-glucosamine, 500 mg. three times a day
• Gamma oryzanol, which is found in rice bran, 300 mg. daily
• FOS, 200 mg. daily
• Colostrum, one to two 500-mg. capsules three times a day

Two products that I use contain most of these sup­plements. They are IPS from Biotics and Total Leaky Gut from Nutri-West. I recommend one to two tablets of each three times a day thirty minutes before meals. These are commonly recommended by nutritionists and nutritional doctors.

Supplements to Strengthen Immunity If your body is lack­ing B5, B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, selenium, zinc and essential fatty acids, as well as protein, you could be in trouble.

When you are born, this gland is larger than your heart. But as you age it gets increasingly smaller. This reduction in size directly corresponds to your immune system’s ability to produce disease-fighting T-cells.

Several nutrients can actually prevent this thymus shrinkage. They include:
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• Beta carotene
• Selenium
• Zinc
Vitamin B6, zinc and vitamin C are needed to improve thymic hormone function.
The most important of these supplements for improving thymus function is zinc. When your thymus lacks zinc, vital T-cells are decreased.
Take 20–30 milligrams of zinc per day.

Vitamin C
Taking extra doses of vitamin C is extremely important for improving immune function since Tcells contain high levels of vitamin C. Additionally, everyday stress robs your bodies of vitamin C. Therefore, supplementing vitamin C daily is vital for improving your immune system.
I recommend taking 500–1000 milligrams three times a day However, it is best to take a buffered form of vitamin C.

Dear Lord, I thank You for being my healer. Release Your power into my body to free it from the power of sickness and disease. Restore my health and my strength so that I can serve You better. Amen.

Supplements for candida
Grapefruit extract
Caprylic acid
Oil of oregano
Chlorophyll supplements
Nystatin Diflucan

The Bible says, “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you” With God’s help, you will recover all!

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