Cancer, what a scary word. So hard this can be and scary yes, but with determination, strength and courage, we can overcome this. What I've been seriously thinking about and what's prompted me to start this tiny blog, is that for the body to truly heal, it needs to be seriously considered, why the cancer and other dis-eases are starting within our bodies.
None of us were born with cancers and diabetes and other dis-eases, they grew because of what's been put into our bodies. Unbeknownst to us, many of our foods have been chemically treated or genetically altered. We have to take a serious look at what we eat and what we put on our bodies. What we're exposing them to.
I am so angry with our country for allowing our foods to be sprayed with chemicals and for allowing companies to put things into food that are not natural. Our food, our water supply has been treated with so many different chemicals, it's no wonder that everyone now it seems is coming down with cancer or some other type of dis-ease.
What's sad, is unless we change what we put into our mouths, the cancer's will keep coming back. I had surgery to remove cancer, then found out cancer morphed yet again. I had more surgeries to have it removed, then found out it came back, then had more surgeries to remove that too. Well, it's still coming back. *Screams* It just won't go away! WHY!? I've screamed and cried about this over and over again. Until...
Until, it hit like that proverbial brick wall. Finally things I was reading started making sense. To simply put it: How do you get rid of a pimple. Well, the face needs to be washed and kept clean, right? Then the pimple heals and goes away. If it works this way for other things, then why not cancer too.
If we get a disease, a pimple, then it makes sense that it's because of something "dirty" that we're being exposed to. We can have it surgically removed, but if we keep playing in that dirty soil, then another pimple is bound to happen again. What we really need to do then, the only thing that makes sense, is to change the playground that we play in. If the soil is dirty where we've been playing, then we can find cleaner playgrounds and make sure we keep our face cleaner.
Same thing with our bodies. If we keep filling it full of dirty food and water, it's going to keep getting in trouble. What do we do? We have to learn to really look at what we eat. What kind of chemicals are in it and what it is made out of. God gave us these beautiful bodies and he also gave us beautiful food to eat. He promises us in The Bible that he gave us all the food we need and all the tools here on earth to heal ourselves, should we get sick.
With that being said, then why are our bodies going haywire? I don't think God meant for hamburger helper to be in our choices, nor that packet of spices, nor that bottle of Gatorade. He gave us fruit, vegetables, whole foods, whole plants and even animals to roam free. He didn't mean for us to eat scientifically designed food or to eat other chemicals. There is no place on earth to go harvest a cup of sugar, or a box of hamburger helper, or a can of soup.
We've gotten so conditioned to eat foods like this, that it's no wonder that society is cancer ridden, diabetes rampant and other dis-eases plaguing our world. We've gotten use to sugar as a reward, a Starbucks coffee as a great unwinder, a candy bar to fuel our day. That's what the ads tell us but, who's showing us those ads? What would God do? Shake His head I bet and point His finger at them and probably say shame on you folks for deceiving us and poisoning us,,, then probably say shame on us for letting our desires over rule our common sense that He gave us. Instincts that tell us, nono.
We, sadly, have to look at that oreo cookie for what it's truly made out of, look at that delicious creamer that goes in coffee,, look all those boxes and cans and other processed foods that we've gotten so use to calling "Handy helpers" and in other words, we have to seriously get back to basics, to truly let our bodies get back to how they were meant to be, simply and healthily whole.
I've had a super hard time making complete transitions to eating healthier, a true junk food junkie I was, and frustratingly I still can't resist some stuff and holy crappies does my body know it. I've been trying to eat much more organics and whole foods, plant based, and the body feels much better, cancer spots start to back off, but then temptation gets in the way and that pizza is just too good to ignore, or so tired in an evening and end up making a quick meal of those handy helpers >,< and then the body rebels and the cancer flares up and itches all night long, like last night! So mad at myself for having that pizza when I knew I shouldn't and then eating other junk on top of it.
With cancer, our bodies are saying that we've pushed them to the brink and we need to start making some drastic changes, Pronto. We have to seriously buckle down and change our eating habits. God does also promise though, that once we put forth the effort, truly, that He'll help us heal as long as we ask Him. Pray to Him. The key words though are we have to put forth the effort, no matter how much we don't like it, because our taste buds got spoiled by all this deliciously poisoned and sugar laced food.
I strongly suggest reading some articles and reading some of these books if you can. Mainly though, is to start checking out sites like "Chris Beat Cancer -" and "Cancer Truth -" and "Kid Against Chemo" and a few books I highly recommend are Kicking cancer in the kitchen - and "Forks over Knives -"
Or, simply start googling Curing cancer. Truly, all their stories relate to the same thing. We have to change what we eat, drastically. We have to switch to organic, whole food, chemical free and clean water. Stop the sugar and processed foods, stop white flour, switch to whole grain flour, start eating plant based foods. Truly going back to the Garden Of Eden. Eating what God gave us. If it doesn't grow from the ground, then we need to turn our heads and walk away from it. No, that oreo cookie is NOT worth it. Sorry for the wall but, I'm getting super passionate that surgery does not cure cancer. The only true way to cure cancer, is by cleaning up our playgrounds. You can do this!!! We all can do this! Let's go play in that beautiful clean playground, God's playground, Garden of Eden style~
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