I've been thinking allot about sugar lately and just how much this country really consumes. Almost every recipe I see and no matter what's being cooked, they all seem to add sugar in some form. I've been thinking back to when I was raising my kids and they never use to like sugar. Their very first taste of "sweetnesses" they didn't like. I have to admit that I think I was the one that got them to like sugar, because I'd "reward" them with cookies and goodies of all kinds that always had sugar in them. Why didn't I reward them with fruit, or some other type of organic goodness. I guess because it was the way I was raised too, the way that the ads on TV and all around us tell us to do. Reward with sweet looking cupcakes, take a break with a candy bar, be a good host and make a fabulous sugar filled cake with beautiful thick frosting, enjoy that cup of coffee with a delightful doughnut and sweet creamers for that perfect morning blend. We've been talked into believing that sugar is a beautiful thing.
When in reality, sugar is the silent sweet killer. So much dis-ease and so many aches and pains can be narrowed down to one thing and that's sugar. It's the root of so much cavities too!.. and pain and sickness, truly. Diabetics have problems with sugar, cancer patients, me included, can't tolerate refined sugar in any form. Even the so called healthy sugars, when broken down in the body to their simplest forms, they're still sugars. Sugar is sugar, no matter how healthy or organic it's labeled. The body knows no difference in the end. Some will argue there's a difference and while it may be true that the'res sugars that may be "better for you" and can contain healthful properties, it's still a form of that simple sugar and sugar is simply not healthy for the body. Such as the other properties in that honey, yes, the sugar part of it, no.
In other parts of the world where they don't use sugar, they don't have Near the problems that we do here. Obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, liver disease, high blood pressure just among a few. I feel guilty now for giving my kids so much sweets, because now that my sons are grown and have kids of their own, their own bodies have had trouble because of the foods that were eaten, processed foods contributed too. Boxed, canned, processed foods of all kinds and including sugar, have been the biggest killer of our society. So many people have died from so many different diseases, when they all stem down to what was consumed, what we put in our mouths.
If only we would really look at what we're eating and what that food really contains, what we're putting in our bodies and be more aware of the ingredients. Our bodies weren't meant to ingest chemicals, they weren't meant to ingest the dyes that color our food and ingest the pesticides that are sprayed on the crops and to eat chemicals that replicate a flavor. They aren't meant for so much sugar either. Our bodies are meant to eat the food that is put here on earth, in it's own state. Gather together foods that are grown, mix them up and create meals. Not to add a chemical dye to it, nor to add some other chemical, nor to add sugar to it. Sugar cannot be found in its natural state. It has to be broken down to become sugar.
Do we even know how sugar is made? I don't. Sugar can't be harvested in it's natural state. Nowhere can you go and find a cup of sugar growing in the ground. Cereal isn't growing from the ground either. There is no fruit loop tree. Do we know how cereal becomes cereal? How about hamburger helper? Those nifty season packets. How about all those other seasoning packets we buy. Have you read your can of soup's label? What are all those ingredients? Gatorade, what was touted for years as being healthy. It wasn't until lately that Gatorade was found to have fire retardant in it, among other things we've yet to know what they are. I know we would be shocked if we truly knew what was in all our food. And we wonder why our bodies are failing and sickness is rampant. Why our joints are so sore and our hormones fubared. Sugar is probably sloshing around inside of us, along with all those chemicals, making our bodies go haywire. Our minds too. No wonder society is going bonkers, it's on chemical and sugar overload.
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