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Friday, June 26, 2015

Links to Awesomeness and tasty food too

There's some sites that really stand out from the rest and I consider these to be truly the best of the best. I'm very proud to consider them friends and to display their links here so others can go visit them. Check out their recipe sections too, you won't be sorry! Unless you don't have the ingredients that is ^_^

The Best of the Best:

Ask Leo: (Leo Notenboom, keeping our computers safe and happy, valuable info)
Alaska From Scratch: (Amazing recipe's and info)
Bridging Stars: (Helping to feed the world, healthily!)
Calm Clinic: (Calming site for anxiety and pain)
Cancer Radio: (Amazing talk show about Cancer)
Cancer Truth: (Ty and Char Bollinger, a Godsend. They taught me how to survive Cancer)
Chasing The Scream: (Johann Hari, all about addiction help)
Chris Wark: (Chris Beat Cancer, another Godsend that taught me, delayed popup but this, ok by me)
Cloverleaf Farm: (Natural Herbal Healing & Awesome info)
Cloves & Caramel: (Awesome recipe's and info)
Coconut Health: (All things Coconutty)
Connie Thompson: (Consumer advocate and awareness info tweets)
ConsumerMan: (Herb Weisbaum, exposing companies, uncovering facts and keeping us aware)
Curly Gurl Wellness: (The Raw Mogulista, awesome recipe's and info) (Health guru, Tons of info)      
Deva Premal & Miten (Food for the soul, I Love their music!)
Doctor Oz: (If you haven't heard of Oz, you must. Not a normal doc, cares about body, mind, soul)
Dr. Axe: (Healthy info and remedies)
Dr. Esselstyn: (Heart healthy info)
Dr. Glidden: (YouTube videos of helpful info)
Dr. Joel Fuhrman: (Wealth of information page)
Dynamic Health: (Dynamically healthy info of all kinds)
Earthbound Farms: (I love their products and info)
Earth Friendly Products: (Products for a healthy happy home)
Edward & Sons: (Awesome info and recipe's)
Engine2Diet: (Nutritional info to fuel your body and mind, power packed)
Farm Aid: (Keeping America Farming)
Forks Over Knives: (Amazing site, amazing book! Amazing information of all kinds)
Fragrant Vanilla Cake: (Amy Lyons, Incredible recipes and info! Drooling since day 1)
Free Coconut Recipes: (Tons of amazing recipe's)
Gardening Guide: (Tweeting about all kinds of helpful gardening tips for a healthy garden)
GET.: (Growing Education Training, helping our kids to eat healthier, with love)
Godlight: (Spiritual food of all kinds)
Growing A Green Family: (New on list, amazing organic Popsicle's, perfect timing)
Hawn Foundation/MindUp: (Mindfulness for children, I must be one, I love it here & I love Goldie!) 
Healing The Body: (All kinds of fabulous info, creator of Thrive Health Program)
Health & Wellness: (Dr. Ranjit Rao, not a normal doc, this one cares about your body and mind) 
Health Ranger: (Natural News, Mike Adams, amazing singer too!)
Healthy Holistic Living: (Healthy living info of all kinds)
Higher Perspective: (Connect, reveal, transcend, there's so much more to the mind..)
Holistic Mermaid: (Tweeting all kinds of fun and fabulous info)
Inhabitat: (Fascinating info of all kinds)
Ivory Magazine: (All kinds of fascinating info)
Kaleidoscope: (Supporting positive health and wellbeing)
Kid Against Chemo (He beat cancer, naturally, and is helping others to do the same, me included)
Kitchen Stewardship: (All types of helpful info, food and soul)
Little Pine: (Lindsey has all kinds of fabulous info and recipe's here)
Lodge Cast Iron: (My favorite cooking pans of all time, plus fabulous recipe's here)
Matt Monarch: (Raw food junkie's beware, you'll go nuts in their store)        
Mercola: (Doctor Mercola, wealth of information)
Mind: (Mental health info)
Mother Earth Living: (Wealth of information)
Mother Earth News: (Wealth of information)
Mountain Rose Herbs: (Organic herbs and teas and much more. My Favorite herb store!)
NASA: (All things planetary, what's not to love! Wish I was an astronaut!)
Natural and Healthy Living: (Vitality, Health and Wellbeing advice, plus awesome homemade's)
Neil Young: (Not only fabulous singer, helping us to fight Monsanto and No More GMO)
Non GMO Project: (Fighting for our food rights)
NutriLiving: (I can't help it, I love my Nutribullet, they have awesome recipe's too!)
OMG I can Meditate: (You think you can't meditate? Try here)
Organic Connections: (All things organic)
Organic Consumer's Association: (Helping to keep consumers healthy, organically)
Organic Guide: (Helping you to find organics)
Organic Please: (Making me hungry since day 1, awesome recipe's)
Patient: (All things medical and an amazing site for connecting with others for info)
Photos 4 Filters: (I love their work, helping others to get fresh clean water)
Pioneer Woman: (Ree Drummond, sinful recipe's but can be revamped, Awesome info nonetheless)
Raw Food Recipes: (Amazing recipes and info!)
Rawtarian: (Raw love, Awesome recipe's and info)
Real Farmacy: (All things naturally medical)
Renewal Daily Digest: (Michelle Greenman, recaping the day's top stories)
Robert Atteberry: (Fireman that tweets about fabulous recipe's)
Rodale Institute: (Simply Awesome)
Rodale's Organic Life: (All kinds of fabulous organic info)
Savory Simple: (Simply savoring recipe's and more)
SEIU Healthcare NW: (Not only my employer, and Proud to work here but, helpful info too)
Simply Organic: (I love their products/info, one delayed popup though, but, worth it in own opinion)
Tenants Union WA (Protecting tenants rights to live healthily and safe)
The Dodo: (Animal love and awareness)
Truth About Cancer: (Truly the truth about Cancer, one popup but very worth it, own opinion)
We Use Oils: (Awesome info and all about healthy oils)
Wedderspoon: (I'm hooked on their honey! Awesome info too)
Wellness Mama: (From mama with love, fabulous info of all kinds!)
Whole Lifestyle Nutrition: (All things healthy)
Yin Yang Skincare: (Natural skincare, natural info, naturally awesome)
Yoga Bear: (Yoga for life, connecting cancer fighters and survivors with healing yoga.)

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