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Friday, June 26, 2015

Thoughts and actions

What's on the mind is post passing in social media such as Facebook and Twitter. Things like climate change, abuse, people's rights, animal's rights... post after post of people wanting things changed, wanting signatures, wanting action. Every small action makes a difference in the bigger picture but, Key word though, is Action.

It's easy to talk about what to do but, it takes movement, actually doing something to help, to start making the changes. Petitions can be signed all day long but, unless someone takes that paper to people, speaks to the people that makes the laws, I truly don't see how it does any good. So many people just pass around posts, asking for signatures but, gotta get off the butt and actually throw a can in recycle, pick up that garbage, walk a little bit more instead of drive,,

It takes actual participation, not just post passing,, although passing posts does good too, to make people more aware, if only everyone would actually get their butt in gear to do something though, that's what the world needs.

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Always honesty please. Like it, hate it, I want to hear the good and the bad. Honestly ^_^